Apple Showtime

PodTech just got the invite to the Apple Showtime event.  We’ve been working on all the Apple events with PodTech News and now our Apple Voices podcasts.  Apple never talks about their products before the events so expect the same.  Everyone blogging live and cutting podcasts from the scene.  We’ll be putting up summary podcasts as the event unfolds. 

Here is a preview podcast full of rumors and speculation since there is nothing else to do but wait til the 12th.

It is exciting that a new breed of press via the blogosphere continues to cover the latest happening of Apple.  Apple has dominated the new media landscape over the past few years.  Apple is a media 2.0 company.  They continue to develop a world market for media both professional and user generated.  Their products continue to push the innovation envelope.

Can’t wait to see what happens on September 12th at “Apple Showtime”.

Update:  what media 2.o is IMO

Author: John

Entrepreneur living in Palo Alto California and the Founder of SiliconANGLE Media

7 thoughts on “Apple Showtime”

  1. It seems likely that Apple will be releasing new iPods, specifically new Nanos with twice the capacity (or more) and announce movie downloads on iTMS. The big question is whether there will be a “real” video iPod with wide/touch screen or AirPort Express A/V to stream video content over home WiFi from iTunes to TV. I’ve been using the eyeHome box for playing video from my Mac on my home theater system for a couple of years now. It works well for everything from DVDs to HD content, but lacks a user interface of the quality Apple would create.

    Keep in mind that Apple is going to be announcing products and services for the upcoming holiday season as well as to go head to head with Microsoft’s Zune.

    This is going to be interesting.

  2. I got many emails and one comment on what I mean by Media 2.0. Maybe I should write a nice graph or meme or develop a conference series around it. Personally I’d rather develop technology to drive the adoption of Media 2.0.

    IMO the media 2.0 companies are ones that change the game and think differently (no pun intended). Apple from how they changed the licensing agreements with big players to free content in podcasting. Google as a new ‘run time operating environment’ for the global internet. Media is no longer medium driven – the medium is commodity it is the net; the content is the medium and technology platforms like Google provides ‘run time’ assembly of great content and services.

    What Microsoft was in 1980s Google is now. The net is a global media platform. It is a direct business model for anyone who has valuable content to offer (valuable is a relative term – value is in the eye of the beholder).

    To me it is all about who has the best global platform that enables app development and consumption. As Media 2.0 gets defined and evolves I’ll be watching platform services that enables relevant applications. At PodTech we are looking for that platform because our apps (the media) are in demand and users want simpliciy, choice, relevance, coherency, trust, and quality.

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