Seagate’s Maxtor Rocks Users with 1.5 Terrabyte Product

Seagate is a company that is know for being part of the personal computer revolution.   They pioneered personal storage with the personal computer.  Now Seagate is expanding is presence in the personal storage area with a massive 1.5 Terrabyte product for users.  Also other drives at 750TB and below.  Users want more storage and more bandwidth and Seagate is doing their part.  Now we need faster bandwidth.

This is great news for users who are downloading more audio and video.  They will have more storage at their fingertips to enjoy Media 2.0 products.  For Seagate the Maxtor brand is a move into retail and user storage.  Seagate is know traditionally for their large OEM business and has acquired a very strong retail brand in Maxtor.  Now users are seeing the benefits with bigger and faster personal storage products. 

A few months ago I sat down with CEO Bill Watkins to chat about Seagate and the future direction of the Web and storage.  Here is my podcast with Seagage CEO Bill Watkins.  Seagate is also pioneering social media and did the first ever earnings podcast review with me last month.   You will see all corporate clients do this in the coming years.  Kudos to Bill and his team of execs who understand social media.  They certainly understand how Web 2.0 ties into storage.   Disclosure: is working with Seagate on developing podcasting plans and social media products.

Robert Scoble and I visited the Seagate team to talk about doing more with social media and Robert bagged a video interview with the CEO for his Scoble Show.   Also Jennifer Jones who produces the Marketing Voices program has an interview coming up on how Seagate is using social media.

Author: John

Entrepreneur living in Palo Alto California and the Founder of SiliconANGLE Media

2 thoughts on “Seagate’s Maxtor Rocks Users with 1.5 Terrabyte Product”

  1. Thanks for this heads-up (Canadian hockey expression) including the link to the Seagate press release.

    I immediately called Erin at Seagate and left a voicemail asking “where can I buy the 1.5 TB HD” in Toronto. I want two of those suckers!

    Very hot and very cool!!!!!

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